
Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Address

Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Address
  1. Computer problem? Tech Support Guy is completely free -- paid for by advertisers and donations. Click here to join today! If you're new to Tech Support Guy, we highly recommend that you visit our Guide for New Members.
  • Jan 27, 2016  Clarification: Procedure A in this post is specifically targetted at installing a 'non-commercial edition' of TeamViewer on Windows Server installations. But as your link shows Procedure B (similar to the link you included) is also applicable to non-server clients that have been suspected of commercial use.
  • If you decided to buy a license of TeamViewer, you will have a little shock because you reliazed that TeamViewer license is very expensive (for just a personal user) or even expensive for commercial user. If you're an USA's user, it may cost 749 usd for a cheapest license (for one computer using).
  • Here is the step by step instructions about how to change your unique MAC address into custom one. The instructions which is illustrated below just for educational purpose, not to be used for illegal activities. Before to change the MAC address, find the current MAC address to ensure the changes after you did.
  • Teamviewer is the all in one remote support software which helps to connect anyone’s desktop or laptop computer remotely from any where online. Undoubtedly its one of the most trusted, secured, best remote support application which is available now and also offers free version for personal use, not for commercial use.

Discussion in 'Apple Mac' started by helicrenz, Jun 22, 2016.


Aug 18, 2015 Find the registry entry located at HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE teamviewer and delete the teamviewer registry folder. Change the MAC address of your Ethernet card and restart your PC. If you don't know how to change your MAC address please follow Microsoft's tutorial. Start TeamViewer. Jan 07, 2011  - change the mac address in the registry script located at the bottom of this text, where 0009 is the number of the nic as it is registered by the system in the registry - execute the reg script - enable the nic 5 Restart your Teamviewer and you should get a new ID and also should solve the “Commercial Use Suspected” problem. Do you use TeamViewer to assist friends with their PC’s without charging them and yet you’ve received the “Commercial Use Suspected” message. This should get you running again. This tutorial is not intended to bypass TeamViewer’s paid services. If you use it commercially, please pay for it.

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Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Address Change

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Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac Address Free

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