
How To Keep Track Of Lives In Scratch

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  1. How To Keep Track Of Lives In Scratch Free
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Unit Overview

Introduction to programming, using a drag-&-drop environment to create animations and games.

Scratch Website

  • http://scratch.mit.edu/ - Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.

Learning Goals

  • how the sequence of commands affects a program
  • how to use the wait command to control the timing of a program
  • how to animate characters using repetition
  • how to use if blocks to trigger new events
  • how to use variables to keep track of score or lives
  • how to add sound and music

Project Evaluation

Each of your projects will be assessed according to this rubric and recorded as a formative assessment. Once all requirements are met, you will receive a 1/1 on the classroom. You may revise and resubmit any assignments at any time during this unit without penalty.
Level 4+Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1
all requirements were met plus some extra features, lots of effort to make it perfectall requirements were met plus a few extras all requirements were met correctlymost requirements were met correctly, all were attemptedsome minor errors or missing a few requirements

Unit Evaluation

At the end of the unit, your projects will be evaluated as a single portfolio. Higher marks will be awarded to portfolios which demonstrate more effort through either more projects completed at a level 3, or better quality (level 4) or both.

Scratch Resources

  • Scratch Cards - a quick way to learn Scratch code
  • Getting Started Guide - a step by step introduction to Scratch
  • Video Tutorials - tips, tricks and how-to videos

Scratch Projects

Requirements, Learning Goals and Examples for each project are listed below. Each project will be assessed using the rubric above. At the bottom of the page, you will find a folder of Instructions for most of the projects which you can use to catch up in case you missed a class.


Dance Party


  • music which starts when the green flag is clicked
  • background
  • 3 characters which dance (change costumes and/or move)
    • at least one character created (drawn) by you
    • one starts dancing when the green flag is clicked
    • one starts dancing when it (the character) is clicked and stops after approximately 3 seconds
    • last one starts dancing when the space bar is pressed and stops when the q key is pressed

Learning Goals

  • how to create your own characters
  • how to change costumes
  • how to use the following events
    • when green flag clicked
    • when <key> pressed
    • when <sprite> clicked
  • the difference between the stage (background) and a sprite
  • how to add music

Tutorial Videos

Check out these Scratch tutorial videos as you work. There's lessons from making your sprite change color or jump when you clap, to the difference between vector and bitmap modes and how to erase or group items easily.




  • 2 player game of tennis
  • sounds & backgrounds
  • ends when 1 player scores 5 points

Learning Goals

  • where to find some of the common Scratch scripts (move, if, forever, goto)
  • how to move a character using the keyboard
  • how to bounce a ball off the walls or the paddles
  • how to add sounds & music
  • how to add variables to keep track of the score
  • how to win the game


Nobby / Retro Donkey Kong


  • character can move left / right or jump onto platform
  • when all items are eaten (hint: use variable), go to level 2
  • when level 2 is finished - win game
  • touching enemies causes level to start over and loss of 1 life

Learning Goals

  • how to use an if block to make a character walk using the keyboard arrow keys
  • how to simulate jumping and gravity
  • how to collect objects
  • how to use a variable to keep track of lives
  • how to use an OR operator
  • how to switch backgrounds to go to the next level
  • how to use hide and show blocks to make sprites invisible for part of the game


Duck Hunt


  • character (duck / bubble) moves around on screen
  • user clicks mouse over character to 'shoot' it
  • must be appropriate for young children (no blood or gore)
  • include sound & music
  • limited number of shots
  • keep track of ducks hit (5/10) and score

Learning Goals

  • how and when to use if blocks
  • how to move a character with the mouse


File (to Remix)



  • your choice of topic (suitable for 10 year old children or younger)
    • animated story / song / movie trailer
    • think Bugs Bunny or Dr Seuss
  • 1 to 2 minutes long (okay if longer)
  • sound - music / voices
  • multiple backgrounds
  • multiple characters - they should move!!

Learning Goals

  • how to use the wait command to control the timing of events
  • how to use hide and show blocks
  • how to switch backgrounds to go to the next scene
  • how to add sounds and music


Scrolling Game


  • character can jump / move up
  • gravity should cause character to fall
  • backgrounds scroll to show left / right movement
  • add enemies / obstacles which cause the game to stop / start over
  • add a way to 'win' the game / level
  • make the game longer by adding more levels
  • add score or lives and win / lose screens

Learning Goals

  • how and when to use if blocks
  • how and when to use hide and show
  • how and when to use the goto block
  • how to switch backgrounds to go to the next level
  • how to add sounds and music
  • how to use variables to control the score




  • character moves up / down / left / right
  • cross the road without touching a car
  • cross the river by riding on the logs & turtles - no swimming!
  • get 5 frogs across safely to win
  • limited number of lives
  • keep track of lives and score
  • sounds & music
  • keep it clean - no blood, guts or gore!

Learning Goals

  • how and when to use if blocks
  • how and when to use hide and show
  • how and when to use the goto block
  • how to get one character (frog) to stick to another (log/turtle)
  • how to add sounds and music
  • how to use variables to control the score


File (to Remix)

Instructions Handouts

Scratch Project Instructions

  • One of the great things about scratch tracks is they’re impromptu. There isn’t time to over analyze or get in your head. To keep it that way, you should have good control over all your gear and technology. Make your decisions and run with them.
  • Mar 08, 2020 Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. Deserving families gets the renovation help they need to change their lives with assistance from host Jesse Tyler.
  • Check out these Scratch tutorial videos as you work. There's lessons from making your sprite change color or jump when you clap, to the difference between vector and bitmap modes and how to erase or group items easily.

How To Keep Track Of Lives In Scratch Free

Oct 09, 2019  When keeping track of the countries you’ve visited, there won’t always be room to take a normal-sized Scratch Map. Fear not, as the Scratch Map Backpacker Edition is designed for those looking to keep track of the adventures they’ve been on while still be able to transport the map easily. From the shores of California to an island in the Mediterranean, FROM SCRATCH is a rich, sensual reading experience. Equal parts uplifting and devastating, it is a memoir of soul-searching beauty. As extraordinary and unique as Tembi Locke's life is, all readers will identify with the themes of love, family, and forgiveness. Mar 02, 2016  12 Empowering Ways to Track Your Fitness and Weight-Loss Progress—Without Stepping on the Scale You don't have to live or die by the numbers. By K Aleisha Fetters.